How to polish an idea

Behrouz Kashani
3 min readApr 5, 2020


When you have an idea especially the one for business, certainly looking forward to turning it into money as fast as possible. Ideas always are beautiful and seem to work perfectly. You see its future and dreaming about it overnights and might you even planning on what doing with the profit.
But when it comes to work you have no idea what to do. There are many many things you need to figure out and lots of time to spend on.
Millions of ideas generate every day and from the first stage 80% of them are perfect but when it comes to execution terms, well they are not.
Although having an idea is 50% of a business it is the easiest part. What to do for executing an idea? Let me explain to you based on my experience.
For having a business there are so many academical processes like having a proposal, having a business plan, etc. But they won’t work unless you know the heart of it.

So, first of all, you need to know how to polish your idea. You can’t start to write it down unless you see it in every angel.
Think about your idea every day. Try to change your perspective from just an executor to a manager, an employee, a designer, and the customer. It’s important to understand how they think, what they expect and what they need. Find how to understand how they become happy and what makes them upset. When you realize all these things you’ll become a better comprehending of your idea.

Second of all try to find every single negative point. Why never did it happen? Or why wasn’t it successful before? What are the problems and disadvantages that might lead your customers to not purchasing your idea’s outcome?
Share your idea with people and ask them what they think. Ask them if they are willing to use it or not. Why and why not? In this position, you need to be patient and listen carefully because this is the stage that you will realize if your idea is golden or not even worth trying. Be aware of whom you’re asking too. If your idea targets the general people try to ask the same category but if it needs few specialties so find the correct people.

You may take a long time working on an idea and try to fix every problem then start to write it down and do the logic analysis. It means you have to estimate the expenses and sales.

Come back to the idea. If an idea never existed it always had a reason. You can’t possibly believe nobody else thought of that, but the question is why they gave up? There were legal issues? Too many expenses or hard execution? Find the reason and it’s important. When you find the problems then you can go to find the solutions otherwise you’ll be sticking at the same level as others did and finally, you give up too.

In the end, I’d like to write something for people who have trouble finding an idea. As I said earlier the IDEA part is the easiest. There are two types of ideas and each had advantage and disadvantage of itself. First, the bigger market means ideas already existed and you won’t just be part of it ( for example having a fast-food restaurant ). The second small market is new and innovative ideas.

I’ll later write an article about the differences between them but if you have trouble to find the idea in the small market ( which is harder but has a good profit ) try to start with a big market. Find an existing business and try to analyze it. What this business lack? What didn’t they do? How can you improve it? Or even how you can mix multiple businesses and create another one. ( Imagine a fast-food with laptops which provide the internet or A Cafe which serve to customers while they are playing games together )
Just remember before rushing to anything, think, think and think even more.

Behrouz K.



Behrouz Kashani

Leader turned writer, penning wisdom from a journey through tech & leadership. Here to share lessons learned, insights gained, and experiences lived.