The King is Dead, Long Live the King: Why Serverless is Dethroning Container-based Architectures

Behrouz Kashani
3 min readMay 1, 2023

When it comes to developing and deploying applications, Kubernetes and other container-based solutions were once the go-to choice. But times have changed, and serverless computing now appears poised to take over the throne. This new approach has numerous benefits that challenge the dominance of container-based architectures. As a result, organizations should consider migrating to this more modern and efficient approach. In this article, we’ll take a critical look at container-based architectures and highlight the advantages of serverless computing that make it the new king of application development.

Cost Efficiency: A Royal Advantage
One of the most significant drawbacks of container-based solutions is the constant battle with resource management and cost efficiency. Organizations often struggle to balance resource allocation, leading to over-provisioning and under-utilization. In contrast, serverless computing offers a pay-as-you-go model, enabling you to save money by paying only for the resources you What are the other advantages of serverless computing aside from cost efficiency? use. This cost efficiency alone is reason enough for many organizations to consider migrating to serverless.

Scaling: A Royal Headache No More
Scaling applications can be a royal pain with container-based solutions like Kubernetes. Manual intervention, additional configuration, and constant monitoring are often required to manage the scaling process effectively. On the other hand, serverless computing provides automatic and near-instantaneous scaling, allowing your applications to handle increased demand without a hitch. With serverless, the scaling headache is a thing of the past.

Simplified Operations: A Royal Relief
Managing container-based architectures can be complex and overwhelming for developers. It often involves handling infrastructure, networking, and other operational tasks, which can slow down development cycles and reduce productivity. However, serverless computing offers a simpler solution by abstracting away the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to concentrate on writing code. This results in faster development cycles and more efficient resource utilization.

Faster Time-to-Market: A Royal Achievement
Container-based solutions can slow down the process of bringing new features and services to market due to their operational complexities and management overhead. With serverless computing, you can deploy and iterate on your applications quickly and efficiently, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. The agility provided by serverless platforms can give your organization a competitive edge, making it a royal achievement in today’s fast-paced business landscape.

Event-driven Architecture: A Royal Revolution
Serverless computing is the way to go if you want to create applications that can respond quickly to real-time events using an event-driven architecture. This approach not only enhances user experience but also paves the way for the development of innovative applications. While container-based solutions can support event-driven architectures, serverless platforms provide better support and are easier to implement.

The king is dead, and it’s time for organizations to embrace the new era of serverless computing. With their cost efficiency, scalability, simplified operations, faster time-to-market, and event-driven architecture, serverless is dethroning container-based solutions like Kubernetes. Migrating to serverless computing is not only a wise decision but a necessary one for organizations looking to stay competitive and efficient in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape. Long live the king — serverless computing!



Behrouz Kashani

Leader turned writer, penning wisdom from a journey through tech & leadership. Here to share lessons learned, insights gained, and experiences lived.