What is the Idea Analyzation?

Behrouz Kashani
5 min readApr 5, 2020

After you found an idea and polished it, now you move to the next stage. The next stage is Analyzation. It means you start to write down your idea on the paper and gather all information for executing it.

There’s a fact, what is in your mind, is just an illusion. It’s not real unless you write it down. When you write something it passes from the imagination part of your brain to the logic part. You can’t possibly guess how many ideas stopped from execution while the owners were trying to write it. When someone tells me, hey hear me out, I have an idea, I’ll say write it down give me it on the paper then we’re gonna talk. They usually go and never come back because they can’t write it because it’s not real.

Based on my experience, I tried to create a simple model for breaking down the idea analyzation. It helps to have a first logical view on an idea and at last, it’ll clear to you whether it’s a good idea or not.

So the idea analyzation is something that brings ideas from imagination and illusion and converts them to reality. You can’t start your business based on some a few thoughts because you just feel it’s good, no! you start your business because your analysis says it’s doable.

One thing should not be forgotten. The result of the analysis won’t be 100% correct and nor be 100% incorrect. A business idea never is fantastic or terrible. The analysis just shows you the risks and tries to help you risking the higher percentages.

It just clears it to you what are the possibilities, an idea logically, will work out.

Although having analysis for an idea and before you start your business is vital, but also it’s not a guarantee. There are many other relevant things can affect the business which I’ll try to talk about it at the end of this video.

The breakdown…

My Idea Analyzation plan divides into main four sections.

First, Idea introduction. This is where you introduce the Mr. Idea. By reading this section people must understand what your idea is, its aspects, goals, process. If you remember from the other video I kept saying to find the problem and ask the question, here is where you present the problem and question then you give the solution or answer it.

So basically what you’re saying here is: Hey, have you ever had this problem? Did it get you crazy right? Now I have the solution. And here it is.

Second, Pros and Cons. Now we’re getting to the logical part. Create a table and write the pros and cons of the idea. As much as it’s possible. As hard as it takes. People have different angles view you can pick one or even do all:

Optimistic ones: In this view, you try to trust the people to understand and leave minor disadvantages and also put your faith in the positive points. In another word, leave the minor cons but count on minor pros.

Normal ones: Well, this view focuses on just major cons and major pros. You leave small things behind because you think they are not going to change anything.

Pessimistic ones: My favorite. I believe an idea initiation and analyzation you need to be cruel and hard as a rock. This view focuses on minor cons and major pros.

Now how to get the result? It’s easy. You put a score to each. 2 for each positive and 1 for each negative point. Then you count each side and divide positive in the negative score. If the number is higher than 1 your idea works on the less risk. The number 0.8–1 means it’s not optimistic but it’s worth a try but anything less than 0.8 is a bet against the market. Some people like to do this. Including me.

Third, Execution. In the execution part, you have clear details of the process. How does the idea work out? From the first moment till when you deliver it to the customers. What are the things you are lack? What kinda people and in what specialties you need? What skills do you need to have? How many companies need to be associate and you have to make them your partners?

If your idea is a production one, you have to write all the details, like the consuming materials, technologies, hardware, etc. If it’s the service, again you need to clarify every single thing. Don’t leave anything behind because you think you know it.

Read the execution instructor like 20 times and keep it running in your head over and over to make sure you considered everything. One forgotten thing may cause you a huge expense later or even it’ll stop you from the execution.

Marketing and Support. After the process, you need to go through the two other things. Marketing and Support. You should ask yourself these two questions:

- How can people find me?

- What can I do to make them happy after?

Marketing here means all things you need to do to let people find you. Mostly wrap up in Advertisements but marketing is a huge ground and you can think of lots of creative ways to introduce your product or service.

Never, never, never leave your customers alone. Support is necessary and many people think it’s just an extra expense but it’s like an investment in the future. Find a clean and clear plan for supporting your customers.

Let me add a sub-content here. That’s Sales Strategy. This is the way you want to sell your idea’s outcome to people. Imagine you have a shop. The moment a customer steps in the sale strategy starts to work. What do you say? How do you act? What are your approaches? You want to be funny or serious? All of these things are Sale Strategy. You can think about this in different business and you’ll see what I’m saying.

Don’t make a mistake Idea Analyzation with the Business plan. It’s not even a proposal. It’s proof to show you, okay! you have a real deal idea. After that, you’re good to go to do your business plan, MATRIX, SWOT analyses, PEST analysis or any other things.

At the first of this video, I was talking about the outside reasons that might stop you from being successful. There are things out of your hand and you can’t change them. Like laws, policies, people’s behaviors and attitudes, limitations in technology, hardware, facilities, and other things.

Just remember there’s no 100% in business. Even you have a good idea, perfect business plan and got a great score in other analyses, there’s still a chance something happens and stops you. That’s what we call “Risk”. The risk is part of the life and huge part of the business. Honestly, that’s the juice of the business and it’s a motivation.

Just if you have a good idea and things came out good, hold on to it and try hard till finally see yourself successful. Then you can smile and say, hey…I did it.



Behrouz Kashani

Leader turned writer, penning wisdom from a journey through tech & leadership. Here to share lessons learned, insights gained, and experiences lived.